Tag: HTML5
"Legacy Blog" posts regarding "HTML5"
This was the old blog of “mechdeveloper.com”. Please read everything with a grain of salt.

Solutions to implement Microdata + Schema.org in Drupal
by Miguel A. Rodriguez P.If Google, Yahoo & Bing are promoting Microdata/Schema.org why aren't you using it yet? we'll see how to use it in Drupal

How to theme Drupal 7 with Omega 3
by Miguel A. Rodriguez P.Omega is the best when it comes to Drupal theming. That’s why we're going to discuss how to theme with it.

CSS3 showcase. dropdown menu revisited
by Miguel A. Rodriguez P.For this 'CSS3 showcase' session. We are going to see some cool effects made with CSS3 Animations & Transform.

Buttons and menus with animation only with CSS3
by Miguel A. Rodriguez P.Are you still using JavaScript to make dropdown menus? See how to make dropdown menus with effects only with CSS3

Things you should do to support CSS3
by Miguel A. Rodriguez P.Why does IE make everything so complicated?, these are the things you should do to support CSS3 on older browsers.