I will be gone for 3 months
Hey people, how is it going?. I have been enjoying a lot this role as a blogger writing for all of you. I have received many good reviews encouraging me to keep it up as well as many suggestion encouraging me to improve some things. Although I have intentions to keep blogging, I must say I really need to back up for at least 3 months to improve the website, improve the existing content and write new content. I will explain why:
- I feel I must improve the existing content because it has several writing mistakes that I really need to fix, additionally some articles are too wordy and some important statements are almost unseen making them somewhat unclear.
- I was supposed to have a release schedule in order to publish articles periodically, but I have totally broken it. Unfortunately I am currently publishing an article monthly due many reasons (long writing process, long translation process, several reviews, laziness) and I really need to do something about it.
- I want to make a new version of the website. That includes many technical improvements going through the server itself to the html and the content. I am currently developing a new theme, and I have many other ideas to do.
I have planned to come back with everything on November 1 of 2013. Until then I will not publish any new content. I hope that everything goes well and can get back to blog as always. I hope that you understand. Thanks.